
I realize that I am blessed and privileged to even write #ItTookAPandemic. Our family’s ups and downs have […]


John C Maxwell has some great nuggets of wisdom. Are you focusing on what is important to reach your goal or are you not reaching down deep enough to do what needs to be done

It is easy to look at someone who is managing to maintain a healthy lifestyle and think it […]

A Promise to Myself

HABITS, HABITS, HABITS!!! If I need to pick a platform, it just may be habits. The great thing […]

Set a Routine

Such a loaded question! But since this is my blog, I get to share my thoughts. I like […]

What is clean eating?

Being healthy is not only more beneficial to your long term success, it is more beneficial to your overall mental and physical health. So throw the scale away and commit to making better choices, today.

So often, our goals are centered around weight loss, but really it is so much more than that. […]

More Than Weight Loss