Best Day of My Life!

In my mentoring group, we have been challenged to say Today is going to be the best day of my life, every morning when we wake. It is amazing how behind my schedule I am this week, and how great I feel. I have been focusing on the small successes. While it has been enjoyable, I have to reel myself back in quick. Balance between work and fun is hard for me. I want to throw myself into fun activities every day with the kids. Then I want to spend hours writing work out programs, setting up emails, and finding relevant articles to share because I feel the need to be productive. I am re-instating my 2 hours of work per day rule. If I really focus, I can knock out a lot in 2 hours. And that leaves quite a bit of time for me to play with the kids. One thing that I have gotten in every day is exercise. I have recommitted to the 30 day of yoga with Adriene challenge. I missed this weekend, but that was intentional. I am also on track with the 10K squat challenge. It is amazing how different parts of my lower body are sore different days, even when I have the same form every day. I have been focusing on my water intake, I feel so much better when I have enough water each day. I set a goal to drink a smoothie every day, and somehow I have already started to neglect that one. Lucky for me, we aren’t even halfway through the month. I am refocusing and making sure my meal plan accounts for the daily smoothie.

Well, I wrote this up and didn’t post. So new week, and I shall add an update. Refocus has gone great! I am getting my work in and having fun with the kids. My schedule has more highlighted items (completed) than the beginning of last week saw. One thing about summer schedules is my need to be flexible. Going to rain during scheduled pool hours? Well, get work done early and go later. Boot camp cancelled last minute, or have a no show class? Refocus and stay on task for the day. I tend to let a little change throw me for a loop. No longer!

I am starting the beach body 3 series work outs too. Yoga, meditation, journaling, reading for fun, and now using someone else’s work out plan. It is crazy what one can accomplish when you choose to set your priorities. We are canceling cable and I find myself maximizing free time. Happy and productive is my current mantra : ) If nothing else, my current lifestyle plan is going to give me some content for more blog posts!